Thursday, September 30, 2010

Multicultural Challenges

I really had to take some time after reading the links for the blog this week before writing. I still don't think that the ideas and things that I have read have really sunk in yet. I'm shocked...

I guess I always knew that there were people who were closed-minded and racist, but after reading the Pitthissippi Burning article, it really brought it to the front of my mind. These people are not just existing, they are creating flags, literature, and how-to's to support their feelings of white nationalism. While I agree with freedom of speech, this makes me think otherwise. This type of information, (FREE on the internet!!) is more than dangerous!

It is hard for me to understand why these people feel that there is a problem with multiculturalism. It seems that the only problem is the people who are creating the issues with it. Multiculturalism is about understanding and accepting, not dominating and diminishing.

The author included a section of the free internet book, The Brigade, that discussed the children's character, Dora. Personally, I do not have a problem with my children watching Dora. However, I do know some parents/people who do. They make comments about their children being white, not Hispanic. Why do you have to be of the same ethnicity to watch a television show?

Go to fullsize imageAs a teacher, I think that it is important to continue to encourage our students to express how they are feeling, if that means writing a book or creating art. It is equally important to encourage and demonstrate equality to our students. Our classrooms are changing; our community is changing; our world is changing. It always has, and it always will. Why shouldn't we embrace the new and various people and cultures?

1 comment:

  1. It is pretty astonishing to see in print, isn't it? I appreciated your thoughts== particularly about multiculturalism being about acceptance and understanding.
