Thursday, July 7, 2011


       It is hard to believe that my Yoed class is over already! For the most part, the month has gone by rather quickly. I have really enjoyed this class, and believe that I am walking away with some very useful information. I have acquired many new tools to use with ESL students, such as the Cloze Procedure and Choral Reading. I think what I have enjoyed the most and got the most out of is evaluating reading materials. After spending a good amount of time in the library researching books and different types of literature, I realized that I could spend hours searching for the perfect selection. And trust me, if I had time, I would have spent many more hours there! I can not get enough time at the library, I LOVE it!!

        Another great aspect of this class has been the on-going wiki. I definitely have a love-hate relationship with wikispaces! I have the hardest time with formatting and uploading files to it; however, it is such a wonderful tool to have. It puts everything in one place and provides a ton of great information.  I see this coming in very handy when it is time for me to take the Comp. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Brittney!

    I LOVE the blog! Excellent posts and overall design. ;-)
